Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Concert Pics and VOI Pics

For all those who love Irfan as much as I do, here is a collection of pictures that are certain to delight!

>1. Irfan's Concert Pictures

>2. Irfan's Pictures

>3. More of Irfan's Pictures


Anonymous said...

Woho! Thanks so much. All my friends in unviersity now know about Irfan thanks to your super cool, sexy blog.
Hey does Irfan know about your blog?

Anonymous said...

Hi. Want to know if we can copy these links into new windows and use. Also, can you try and make them hyperlinks? Can't wait to see concert pics!

Anonymous said...

Hey the links work better. Thanks for the conversion! And also, can you update everyone that it is now called irfanthevoice and not voiceofheavens?
Lovely concert pics by the way. Thank you so much for them.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Excellent concert pics! Thanks so much, superb!!! They are all over my computer now!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow those were a wealth of photo. Irfan looks sooooo good in all of them. really, really nice. i love Irfan. was v sad to see him go from voi. but now happy to see him do so well. he is the best. the purest voice i ever heard. too good. good luck irfan.

Irfaan said...

thanq very much Shastri. and thanx 2 every1 who hav appreciated my work so far. am honoured. thanx.... luv u all....

Shaz said...

Hello fellow Irfan fans,

I am thrilled to know Irfan's pics are spreading, and how!
If I have the opportunity (or should I say honor) to see another Irfan concert, I will surely add more pictures here.
Meanwhile let us all pray his Jannat song is a super hit. And most importantly, please, please buy the original CD, do not download the song from the Internet! Come on guys, here is our chance to show how much we all love Irfan.

Keep visiting Irfan. The Voice.